
This week in our topic lessons we have compared the houses of today with houses that existed around the time of the Great Fire of London. 

We used pictures of the buildings to sketch our own images, using shading techniques and selecting appropriate sketching pencils. 

The children all worked very carefully to think about how much shade they needed to create, and chose a pencil that would suit that. Our first attempt at sketching was a great success. The results are wonderful!

Peace at Last

This week we have been reading Peace at Last by Jill Murphy. 

We used a story map to verbally retell the story and made up actions to help us remember the story. The children found the story very funny and have drawn their own story maps today in preparation for writing the story later in the week. 

Here are some of the actions we used to tell the story. 

Can the children show you the actions at home? 

Ninja Punctuation

The children really enjoyed being Ninja warriors and learning the moves to help them remember the different punctuation marks. Unfortunately the file is too large for our class blog, but you can view the mini movie via the closed school facebook page. I hope you enjoy it as much as they did!